The firm produces intelligence after the
implementation of information research process through Open Sources or through
its network of influences and relationships
Business Intelligence / Support and lobbying in Burkina Faso:
The firm is specialized in the implementation of a consulting approach,
support and lobbying for all your business needs and information of all kinds in
Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso [and Mali] are two favorite countries for all of our
consulting, support and lobbying activities for the development of your
business or your establishment
The contact and public relations with V.I.P. or influent decision makers
Research of partners, reliable distributors of your products
Administrative, legislative, legal constraints etc.
Monitoring of ongoing proceedings
Settlements, building searches, wharehouse, rentals (incl. a dwelling house),
logistics solutions
International tenders
Monitoring of your distributors
Operational support of your company for the successful development of your business in Burkina Faso
for any of your expectations
Business Intelligence / Competitive Intelligence /
West Africa and +:
With our very important relational network, we are a major and identified
actor for the research of intelligence "of all kinds", research of partners or
correspondents for West African countries and beyond in many African countries.
We are naturally geographically fully well located to meet the needs
within the countries of West Africa (Burkina Faso, Senegal, Guinea, Guinea
Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Mali, Ghana, Benin, Togo, Niger,
Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon etc ...) and beyond (Madagascar, Sudan etc).
Contact us.
We receive the most diverse & of all kinds, simple or
complex requests, such examples, verification of administrative documents,
visit of buildings for inheritage, genealogies or marital status, searches for business
partners and distributors for your products, contact with VIP, looking for
customers, marketing or web marketing support, shaping of a local strategy,
strategic risk assessment, intelligence for due diligence purpose, etc.
We provide solution or answers for the most complex or
critical requests such as strategic needs for top level business
intelligence with the best guaranty of confidentiality (Non Disclosure
Agreement). Please consult us.
Researches : Open Sources intelligence (Osint) / All countries / Any
Looking for the pieces of information and documentation as a human and
automatised skill of our firm is the first source of any applied business
intelligence process
Information search tasks - for any country (anglo-european languages
first plus assistance of natives for any other languages such as chinese - so as
to meet the needs of strategic or operational documentation for best
business development. The firm expertise is to detect the analyse the weak
signals to replace them into the customer problematic perspective.
Web watches and monitoring including social networks. Converging ressources
between specific redundant monitoring softwares, semi automated
queries and manuel researches for a perfect overview.
According to our customer needs and the nature of some aspects of the
intelligence to collect, our office will propose to add the services of
private investigators if needed or any other useful partner or expert.
An important worldwide network of private investigators are identified and
known by our company and are actors on numerous international files we deal
Investigations via BKF-FI[BURKINA]:
BKF-FI [Burkina] in the person of its founder Richar YONI, will make in action any private
research activities;
We also have a network of partners or peers identified and proven in many countries to cover a large research of applied intelligence
for the defense of your interests.
We work on own assignments or subcontracting on behalf of renowned
research or intelligence firms; our references (which we forbid ourselves to
communicate) or clients discreetly serve our good reputation...
Confidentiality and total discretion are the core values of the company.
Storage of intelligence :
Local or distant databases on server with (free) Php /
MySql environment or with Access
Frequently built to support the analytical process of intelligence or
for specific purpose required by our customers (Ex: Struggle against
Analysis of Intelligence :
Visual analysis : Professional charting of relational information
(usually known as "crime analysis" or "anacrim" in the Law inforcement
sector ) Our company is a recognized and renowned expert in this scarce technicity.
Content analysis (text-mining)
Multi criteria data analysis for complex inter-linked data (Mathematical
multi-variables analysis ACP / AFC / AFD) including analysis of series of
textual qualitative contents (speciality of our office)
Communication & dissemination of intelligence :
Production of websites as "a whole package" in particular for
dynamic specifications for SME's
Development of modules of applications or underlying functionalities for
websites to support the marketing, the analysis, the stats, or any
back-office specific needs
Webhosting of our customers websites or their distant database
with interfacing facilities and convenient remote queries (allows
data offshoring without any constraint)
Training or conferences of our expertises and know-how, including in
Richard YONI et
François CARLE associates and partners: BKF-FI (Burkina) RCS n° BF BBD 2006 A 350
& BKF-FI (France)RCS n°519 905 459